Impulse-Correction Mapping

Von WinWorldTeam

Impulse-Correction Mapper is an indicator of impulses and corrections (valid pullbacks).

Consecutive candlesticks moving in the same direction means an impulse, and a pullback below/above the previous candlestick means a correction.

This way you can identify IDM zones and find significant POIs on the chart.


Below, you can observe valid pullbacks:

And now, the invalid pullbacks:

The impulse and correction shows us the strength of the bulls or bears and also helps us to identify important liquidity areas, including IDMs.

Each high and low of the impulse-correction serves as liquidity for the institutional algorithmic bots.

The indicator can be a self-sufficient tool for market analysis and identification of liquidity swaps. If the price made a liquidity sweep - it can serve as a signal for a reversal to the nearest liquidity area.

When evaluating the daily movement, you can focus on the impulse-correction indicator: if there is a correction - it is very likely that the price will turn around and you can look for a confirmed entry point to the LTF.

The momentum-correction indicator is the basis of the entire Advanced SMC strategy - it is the foundation for determining the market structure.
+ Added option to choose line style
Candlestick analysisIDMliquidityTrend Analysisvalidpullback
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