Wave Momentum Strategy

Wave Momentum Strategy is a momentum and cyclic based strategy. It uses the best indicators I've created in the past along with some other HPT (High Probability Trade) signals I developed to attempt to trade successfully at any time-frame. The primary underlying signal generator is the Wave Momentum Indicator which you'll also find on my profile. This indicator gets more accurate with time (larger timescale) and in general gives an excellent indication of overall market conditions (bullish, bearish, chop).

It works best with Futures because it doesn't fall victim to the gap open or the gap and drop as frequently. I have not tested with stocks/equities because I do not trade them regularly. I traded using this system for most of the past few years until I moved to an automated system I built in C#. It was one of at least 4 strategies I ran at anywhere from 5m to 1d intervals.

Momentum Indicator (MOM)Trend AnalysisVolume

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