ELMo Heatmap

A heatmap display of the Entropy, Liquidity, and Momentum (ELMo) strategy status across a group of tickers.

Background color indicates ELMo's opinion of that row(green - bull, red - bear). White dots indicate bullish signals and black are bearish signals.

Top row is current ticker, remaining 7 rows are each a configurable ticker. The defaults are:
  • SPY
  • QQQ
  • DIA
  • IWM
  • GLD
  • TLT

If you have appropriate data feeds, I also like the following ticker list:
  • ES1!
  • NQ1!
  • YM1!
  • RTY1!
  • BTC1!
  • GC1!
  • VX1!
Breadth IndicatorsMomentum Indicator (MOM)

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