The Hulk by Sackura Backtestable

Written by profghibli (aka Karim Ghibli) as a custom script for LydiaBot

The underlying indicator is by @Sackura, obtained and built upon with his permission. The indicator is a high frequency, relatively low noise trend-based indicator.

This seems to work best when used on longer timeframes, such as 3-6-12 hrs. If you wish to use this script please contact Sackura and/or LydiaBot first.

To opt NOT to use take profit or stop loss or trailstop just set the corresponding % to 0

Be careful of TradingView's way of calculating Trailing Stop Loss that always assumes the price inside the candle always moved in the direction that favors the trade in the backtest

More here:

If you are an authorized user of this script and something is not working/looks wrong please PM me.
Updated with the snippet from allanster to be able to set the date of the backtest. A problem with the Stop/Profit/TSL was found and needs some work. Currently, those type of exits are disabled, only long to short and short to long flip is possible.
HULKlydiabotMoving AveragessackuraTrend Analysis

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