Von kiltedtrading
Description: Uses the Hull Moving Average ( HMA ) and MACD to observe the following strategy, to assist with trade setups and provide confluence. It is especially effective when used with the Kilted Strength Meter to make sure there is an active trend and the market is not moving sideways.


1. The strategy is a very simple and visual one where you go:
• Long when the short HMA colour matches the long HMA colour (which is when the 2 colours are blue for a long position).
• Short when the short HMA colour matches the long HMA colour (which is when the 2 colours are red for a short position)
2. Ideally you want to enter a trade when the market is trending and not moving sideways, hence the reason the Kilted Strength Meter makes a great companion to complement this strategy
HMAkiltedtradingMoving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)Moving AveragestrendTrend Analysis
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