
"The Trend is your Friend" is a popular quote and Day-Traders, as well as long-term Investors, build their Strategies on top of this Mantra.
Leverage this Principle by using AutoTrendTrader to ride the Trend and let your Profits run!
Get Email-Alerts with your customized buy and sell signals, or use autoview to trigger and exit the trades.
  • Reliable Detection of Up- and Downtrends - this will enable you to enter strong Trends at the right time
  • Partial Profit Taking - Configure your perfect Mix of taking profits early vs. letting profits run
  • Reversing Signals - Limit your Draw-Down
  • Proprietary Algorithms combined with multiple Confirmations via other Technical Indicators

What's included:

This Study was built to be used with autoview. It generates Alerts that can be used as Entry-Signals. Taking Profits will be configured via autoview. You can configure partial profit taking via autoview and exit Positions via the reverse Signal.
But of course this Study can be used to generate Entry-Signals for any Asset and then exit Positions based on your own technical Analysis.
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⚡ ProDivergence
⚡ ProTrend
Auch am:
