3D Engine Overlay

The Overlay 3D Engine is an advanced and innovative indicator designed to render 3D objects on a trading chart using Pine Script language. This tool enables users to visualize complex geometric shapes and structures on their charts, providing a unique perspective on market trends and data. It is recommended to use this indicator with a time frame of 1 week or greater.

The code defines various data structures, such as vectors, faces, meshes, locations, objects, and cameras, to represent the 3D objects and their position in the 3D space. It also provides a set of functions to manipulate these structures, such as scaling, rotating, and translating the objects, as well as calculating their perspective transformation based on a given camera.

The main function, "render," takes a list of 3D objects (the scene) and a camera as input, processes the scene, and then generates the corresponding 2D lines to be drawn on the chart. The true range of the asset's price is calculated using an Exponential Moving Average (EMA), which helps adjust the rendering based on the asset's volatility.

The perspective transformation function "perspective_transform" takes a mesh, a camera, an object's vertical offset, and the true range as input and computes the 2D coordinates for each vertex in the mesh. These coordinates are then used to create a list of polygons that represent the visible faces of the objects in the scene.

The "process_scene" function takes a list of 3D objects and a camera as input and applies the perspective transformation to each object in the scene, generating a list of 2D polygons that represent the visible faces of the objects.

Finally, the "render" function iterates through the list of 2D polygons and draws the corresponding lines on the chart, effectively rendering the 3D objects in a 2D projection on the trading chart. The rendering is done using Pine Script's built-in "line" function, which allows for scalable and efficient visualization of the objects.

One of the challenges faced while developing the Overlay 3D Engine indicator was ensuring that the 3D objects rendered on the chart would automatically scale correctly for different time frames and trading pairs. Various assets and time frames exhibit different price ranges and volatilities, which can make it difficult to create a one-size-fits-all solution for rendering the 3D objects in a visually appealing and easily interpretable manner.

To overcome this challenge, I implemented a dynamic scaling mechanism that leverages the true range of the asset's price and a calculated ratio. The true range is calculated using an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of the difference between the high and low prices of the asset. This measure provides a smooth estimate of the asset's volatility, which is then used to adjust the scaling of the 3D objects rendered on the chart.

The ratio is calculated by dividing the asset's opening price by the true range, which is then divided by a constant factor (32 in this case). This ratio effectively normalizes the scaling of the 3D objects based on the asset's price and volatility, ensuring that the rendered objects appear correctly sized and positioned on the chart, regardless of the time frame or trading pair being analyzed.

By incorporating the true range and the calculated ratio into the rendering process, the Overlay 3D Engine indicator is able to automatically adjust the scaling of the 3D objects on the chart, providing a consistent and visually appealing representation of the objects across various time frames and trading pairs. This dynamic scaling mechanism enhances the overall utility and versatility of the indicator, making it a valuable tool for traders and analysts seeking a unique perspective on market trends.

In addition to the dynamic scaling mechanism mentioned earlier, the Overlay 3D Engine indicator also employs a sophisticated perspective transformation to render the 3D objects on the chart. Perspective transformation is an essential aspect of 3D graphics, as it provides the necessary conversion from 3D coordinates to 2D coordinates, allowing the 3D objects to be displayed on a 2D chart.

The perspective transformation process in the Overlay 3D Engine indicator begins by taking the 3D mesh data of the objects and transforming their vertices based on the position, orientation, and field of view of a virtual camera. The camera's field of view (FOV) is adjusted using a tangent function, which ensures that the rendered objects appear with the correct perspective, regardless of the chart's aspect ratio.

Once the vertices of the 3D objects have been transformed, the perspective-transformed 2D coordinates are then used to create polygons that can be rendered on the chart. These polygons represent the visible faces of the 3D objects and are drawn using lines that connect the transformed vertices.

The incorporation of perspective transformation in the Overlay 3D Engine indicator ensures that the 3D objects are rendered with a realistic appearance, providing a visually engaging and informative representation of the market trends. This technique, combined with the dynamic scaling mechanism, makes the Overlay 3D Engine indicator a powerful and innovative tool for traders and analysts seeking to visualize and interpret market data in a unique and insightful manner.

In summary, the Overlay 3D Engine indicator offers a novel way to interpret and visualize market data, enhancing the overall trading experience by providing a unique perspective on market trends.
performance upgrade.
Fixed rotation
Major speedup
added a screen offset
3-D3d3dengineengineoverlayPine utilities

Open-source Skript

Ganz im Sinne von TradingView hat dieser Autor sein/ihr Script als Open-Source veröffentlicht. Auf diese Weise können nun das Script auch andere Trader verstehen und prüfen. Vielen Dank an den Autor! Sie können das Script kostenlos verwenden. Die Nutzung dieses Codes in einer Veröffentlichung wird in unseren Hausregeln reguliert. Sie können es als Favoriten auswählen, um es in einem Chart zu verwenden.

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