Library "POA"
This library is a client script for making a webhook signal formatted string to POABOT server.

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, kis_number)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, kis_number)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

in_trade(start_time, end_time)
  Create a trade start line
    start_time: (int) [Required] The start of time.
    end_time: (int) [Required] The end of time.
  Returns: (bool) Get bool for trade based on time range.

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, kis_number, exchange, base, quote, side, qty)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, kis_number, exchange, base, quote, side, qty)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent, kis_number, exchange, base, quote, side, qty)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

add manual_message function
manual_message(password, exchange, base, quote, side, qty, price, percent, leverage, kis_number, order_name)
  Create a manual message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    exchange: (string) [Required] The exchange
    base: (string) [Required] The base
    quote: (string) [Required] The quote of order message
    side: (string) [Required] The side of order messsage
    qty: (float) [Required] The qty of order message
    price: (float) [Optional] The price of order message
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for order based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] The name of order message
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, kis_number)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, kis_number)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent, kis_number)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

update: qty param is optional
manual_message(password, exchange, base, quote, side, qty, price, percent, leverage, kis_number, order_name)
  Create a manual message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    exchange: (string) [Required] The exchange
    base: (string) [Required] The base
    quote: (string) [Required] The quote of order message
    side: (string) [Required] The side of order messsage
    qty: (float) [Optional] The qty of order message
    price: (float) [Optional] The price of order message
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for order based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] The name of order message
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

in_trade(start_time, end_time, overlay, min, max)
  Create a trade start line
    start_time: (int) [Required] The start of time.
    end_time: (int) [Required] The end of time.
    overlay: (bool) [Optional] The overlay of line
    min: (float) [Optional] The min value of overlay range
    max: (float) [Optional] The max value of overlay range
  Returns: (bool) Get bool for trade based on time range.
v5, Update in_trade function to work in non-overlay mode
in_trade(start_time, end_time)
  Create a trade start line
    start_time: (int) [Required] The start of time.
    end_time: (int) [Required] The end of time.
  Returns: (bool) Get bool for trade based on time range.
v7, add strategy wrapper.
V8, update entry/order method
v9, update entry/order method

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

order_message(password, percent, leverage, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a order message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

manual_message(password, exchange, base, quote, side, qty, price, percent, leverage, margin_mode, kis_number, order_name)
  Create a manual message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    exchange (string): (string) [Required] The exchange
    base (string): (string) [Required] The base
    quote (string): (string) [Required] The quote of order message
    side (string): (string) [Required] The side of order messsage
    qty (float): (float) [Optional] The qty of order message
    price (float): (float) [Optional] The price of order message
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for order based on your wallet balance.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
    order_name (string): (string) [Optional] The name of order message
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

real_qty(qty, precision, leverage, contract_size)
  Get exchange specific real qty
    qty (float): (float) [Optional] qty
    precision (float): (float) [Optional] precision
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] leverage
    contract_size (float): (float) [Optional] contract_size
  Returns: (float) exchange specific qty.

method set(this, password, start_time, end_time, leverage, margin_mode, contract_size, kis_number, entry_percent, close_percent, exit_percent, fixed_qty, fixed_cash, real, auto_alert_message, hide_trade_line)
  Set bot object.
  Namespace types: bot
    this (bot)
    password (string): (string) [Optional] password for poabot.
    start_time (int): (int) [Optional] start_time timestamp.
    end_time (int): (int) [Optional] end_time timestamp.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] leverage.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    contract_size (float)
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] kis_number for poabot.
    entry_percent (float): (float) [Optional] entry_percent for poabot.
    close_percent (float): (float) [Optional] close_percent for poabot.
    exit_percent (float): (float) [Optional] exit_percent for poabot.
    fixed_qty (float): (float) [Optional] fixed qty.
    fixed_cash (float): (float) [Optional] fixed cash.
    real (bool): (bool) [Optional] convert qty for exchange specific.
    auto_alert_message (bool): (bool) [Optional] convert alert_message for exchange specific.
    hide_trade_line (bool): (bool) [Optional] if true, Hide trade line. Default false.
  Returns: (void)
fix oca order script
Support default_qty_type and default_qty_value
The part regarding the decimal point limitation of quantities has been improved in the real_qty() function.


1. Now supports close_all() method.
2. Allow you to set exchange, base, and quote manually when placing an order.
3. Fix the default value of kis_number to 1.

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