Trader Set - Ergodic Momentum

This is a price momentum indicator that is based on Ergodic formula (TSI), but the formula is tweaked and different types of averaging is allowed. by changing the type of average calculation and some predefined values (totally different from what is suggested by now) we get a nasty indicator that can easily be used both for cycle observation side by side with momentum of the price itself !

Please don't contact me for getting access, these tools are available for my students only. These are part of my "methodology" that I teach. The English version of the website and learning material is under development and I will announce it under each related script when they are ready so that those who are interested can participate in the course.
There is a big change in every oscillator related to my methodology, Added all sort of averaging types : HMA, RMA, EMA, WMA, SMA, KAMA, FAMA, MAMA. Also, where ever we are calculating momentum in any sort or shape, now user has the ability to switch the type between TSI and MACD, and not only that, but the selected momentum type will also use the selected averaging type !!!!
Final Version.
Moving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)Momentum Indicator (MOM)pricerenkosmoothedadaptivemomentumTrue Strength Index (TSI)TSI

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