FISHY TREND - Price Action Meets Volatility Stop Meets Momentum

This is a tool the combines :

1. Price trend purely based on price heuristics
2. A volatility based trailing stop that is independent of price trend
2. A relative momentum top and bottom indicator to identify trend exhaustion.

By combining price action heuristics, volatility stop and momentum that generate signal independent of each other but work in conjunction :

1. Price signal ( color bars) generate earliest indication of a trend change
2. Volatility stop allows to ride the wave of a trend
3. Momentum exhaustion offers early exit ( followed by volatility stop as a trailing exit)

The system works in all time frames and products. Of course , lower the time frame, shorter are the waves to ride.

By combining price action that is independent of volatility stop, this reduces false signals during sideways movements.

This tool can be combined with ROM TNT for best results to :

1. Pyramid when trend gains momentum
2. Avoid some choppy period
3. Join the trend only when price ( color bars) + TNT confirm direction + momentum

priceactiontrailingstopTrend AnalysisVolatility

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