Central Bank Liquidity YOY % Change

This shows the percent change from a year ago (YOY%) in Central Bank Liquidity

It's important to the study rate of change data in this liquidity metric and compare it to the nominal chart.

When this chart is accelerating, liquidity is being added, meaning it's a good time to be in assets.

When this chart is declining, liquidity is being removed, meaning it's a good time to be in cash.

Bottoms in markets coincide with the rate of change of liquidity going from negative (below the zero line) to positive (above zero)

Central Bank Liquidity = Total value of the assets of all Federal Reserve Banks - Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements (RRP) - The Treasury General Account (TGA)
This shows the percent change from a year ago (YOY%) in Central Bank Liquidity

It's important to the study rate of change data in this liquidity metric and compare it to the nominal chart.

When this chart is accelerating, liquidity is being added, meaning it's a good time to be in assets.

When this chart is declining, liquidity is being removed, meaning it's a good time to be in cash.

Bottoms in markets coincide with the rate of change of liquidity going from negative (below the zero line) to positive (above zero).

Central Bank Liquidity = Total value of the assets of all Federal Reserve Banks - Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements (RRP) - The Treasury General Account (TGA).
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