How is it calculated?
This filter identifies significant price points within a specified dynamic range by applying linear regression to the absolute deviation of the range, smoothing out fluctuations, and determining the trend direction. The algorithm then normalizes the data and searches for extreme points.
How is it calculated?
Once the external filters are selected and enabled within the settings panel, our AI function is applied to enhance the filter's ability to execute trades, even when the set conditions of the filter are not met. For instance, if a trader wants to take trades only when the price is above a moving average, the AI filter can actually execute trades even if the price is below the moving average.
The filter works by combining k-nearest Neighbors (KNN) with Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) involves first using GBM to model the historical price trends of an asset, identifying patterns of drift and volatility. KNN is then applied to compare the current market conditions with historical instances, identifying the closest matches based on similar market behaviors. By examining the drift values of these nearest historical neighbors, KNN predicts the current trend's direction.
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