Super BitMoon v1

Von Kingii91
Set time frame to 12hr & candles to heikin ashi

Copy and paste following script into the pine editor:

strategy("Super BitMoon v1", overlay=true, commission_value = 0.25, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100)


FromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1)
FromDay = input(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1)
FromYear = input(defval = 2012, title = "From Year")
ToMonth = input(defval = 12, title = "To Month", minval = 1)
ToDay = input(defval = 31, title = "To Day", minval = 1)
ToYear = input(defval = 2018, title = "To Year")

startDate = time > timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)
endDate = time < timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
withinTimeRange = startDate and endDate



length = input(5, title="ATR Stop's Length")
mult = input(1, minval=0.01, title="ATR Stop's Multiple")
atr_ = atr(length)
max1 = max(nz(max_[1]), close)
min1 = min(nz(min_[1]), close)
is_uptrend_prev = nz(is_uptrend[1], true)
stop = is_uptrend_prev ? max1 - mult * atr_ : min1 + mult * atr_
vstop_prev = nz(vstop[1])
vstop1 = is_uptrend_prev ? max(vstop_prev, stop) : min(vstop_prev, stop)
is_uptrend = close - vstop1 >= 0
is_trend_changed = is_uptrend != is_uptrend_prev
max_ = is_trend_changed ? close : max1
min_ = is_trend_changed ? close : min1
vstop = is_trend_changed ? is_uptrend ? max_ - mult * atr_ : min_ + mult * atr_ : vstop1

pd = input(5, title="Synthetic VIX's Length")
bbl = input(5, title="Synthetic VIX's Bollinger Band's Length")
mult2 = input(0.33, minval=0.01, title="Synthetic VIX's Bollinger Band's Std Dev")
wvf = ((highest(close, pd)-low)/(highest(close, pd)))*100
sDev = mult2 * stdev(wvf, bbl)
midLine = sma(wvf, bbl)
lowerBand = midLine - sDev
upperBand = midLine + sDev

rsi = rsi(close, input(4,title="RSI's Length"))
ob = input(60,title="RSI's Oversold Level")
os = input(40,title="RSI's Oversold Level")


direction = input(defval=1, title = "Strategy Direction", type=integer, minval=-1, maxval=1)
strategy.risk.allow_entry_in(direction == 0 ? strategy.direction.all : (direction < 0 ? strategy.direction.short : strategy.direction.long))

condition1 = crossunder(wvf, upperBand) and close > vstop and withinTimeRange
condition2 = crossunder(rsi, os) and withinTimeRange

strategy.entry("BUY", strategy.long, when = condition1)
strategy.entry("SELL", strategy.short, when = condition2)

OscillatorsTrend AnalysisVolatility

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