short term reversal, MTF support & resistance

It is an indicator that assists short-term reversal trading utilizing support and resistance.

It is recommended to build a position after the buy / sell marker appears while checking the support and resistance.

When building a position, it is important to have a short-term perspective without holding it for a long time.
(Recommended period is 3 to 5 candlesticks)

If the price moves in the opposite direction to the marker, hold it until the marker comes out again,
or if it is out of support and resistance, cut the loss once and the marker again You can also wait for it to come out.

Support and Resistance mainly uses Bollinger Bands and can use multi-timeframes.
By default, the higher the support and resistance of the time axis, the thicker the line.

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Bollinger Bands (BB)Support and Resistance

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