Liquidity map

Locate institutional daily, weekly, and monthly liquidity intervention zones in an innovative format that allows you to fractalize the degree of trend reversal opportunity across multiple lengths!
Far from the traditional formats to tell you "where's the high/low", we display with this map the grab levels relating to the amplitudes of the measured period.

You can check "show old levels" to backtest these potential fractal reversal areas.
Use the levels that interest you according to your working UT (scalping, intraweek, swing, etc.), or take all the elements into consideration for your trading management :

Confluence the information to optimize your entry and shelter your stop loss under strong levels rejections !

Default parameters are: display high/low weekly & monthly, display liquidities levels in daily.
setting a display bug when previous levels was the same (D,W,M)
fix color bug.
Default color of second box set to 99 ( from 85)
Update to V1.2
- Monday's liquidity added with his own overextension levels / Now levels can be hide when mitigated
V2 : New levels/appearance, automatic junction detection system with alerts, levels crossed alerts
agressiveChart patternsentryliquidityliquiditypoolreversalscalpingtoolkit

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Follow @astre_ts for more informations, contact & assistance at telegram !

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Most aggressive TradingView/MT4/MT5 trading setup on the market. Pure juice concentrated from SMC/ICT, divergences and PA!

Snipe the institutional levels! 🐋🏹
Auch am:
