Trading Portfolio Tracker - The Quant Science

Trading Portfolio Tracker - The Quant Science™ is a tracking and monitoring trades application.

It is a very useful Pine app for day traders and scalpers. This trading portfolio tracker is a unique solution for users who would monitoring their day trading performance instantly and make more efficient trade management decisions.

The user enters the required data before the application is launched. The software automatically generates the portfolio tracking with all performance data information.

This app keeps track of up to 10 trades simultaneously. The user can activate or deactivate each trade from the user interface.
Using this application is very simple. Install it on your monitor and enter the required data parameters.

Required data for each trade:
1. Open price
2. Invested capital
3. Ticker
4. Leverage
5. Direction

Once this data has been entered, the software will generate the portfolio automatically. You will be able to edit closed trades or newly opened trades directly from the user interface and the software will automatically update with the new parameters.
applicationDATAdataanalysismanagementPine utilitiesporfolioportfolio-allocationPortfolio managementportfolioperformanceportfoliotrackerstatisticstracker

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TradingView empfiehlt nicht, ein Script zu kaufen, wenn Sie den Autor nicht zu 100 % als vertrauenswürdig halten, oder nicht verstehen, wie das Script funktioniert. In vielen Fällen können Sie auch eine gute und kostenlose Open-Source-Alternative in unseren Community-Scripts entdecken.

Hinweise des Autors

You can unlock this Pine App from our website. For any information or questions about this script contact us on Trading View private chat.

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