Buy Sell Strategy Test

This is a strategy test for one of the tools I developed personally, this tool is original and the concept is that you keep two instances of it in your chart, one sets to show seller's power in market and the other buyer's. each one of them cross near the switching of the power between buyers and selllers. Keeping both side by side eliminates the chance of a false signal.

This is one of the tools that are being used in my methodology side by side modified Uni Renko and other tools that some of them are again original and they belong to me and it's the first time being published during market history.

Please don't contact me to get this strategy, this is for my students and demonstration of the tool. Only my students will have access to this strategy.
Code cleanup, Final Version.
buyCentered OscillatorsOscillatorspowerrenkoSELLstrategyswitchTrend Analysisuniformity

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