Daily Fibonacci ORBs

ORB Breakout strategies are a common way to daytrade.

The Daily Fibonacci ORBs are designed to give traders a quick edge in their trading analysis by showing the Fibonacci levels as established by the opening range.

In theory, one can play calls above the 1.0 and puts below the 0.0.

However, I recommend pairing the Daily Fibonacci ORBs with a suite of Fibonacci tools that I have developed, that give users levels based on the week, month, and quarter, to determine which positions to enter, and how long to stay in them.

The full suite of tools includes:

1. Daily Fibonacci ORBs
2. Weekly Fibonacci ORBs
3. Monthly Fibonacci ORBs
4. Quarterly Fibonacci ORBs
5. Fibonacci ORB scanner (x3)
6. Matrix analysis masterclass, showing how matrices are built, which levels must be watched, and when to enter and exit based on matrix analysis.

matrixorborbacademyorbsTrend AnalysisVolatility

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You can DM to gain access to my full suite of Fibonacci tools.

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