BT Assistant

Von SkyfightTV

BT Assistant - Economic Events Calendar Overlay
BT Assistant is a powerful TradingView indicator designed to help traders stay on top of economic events that impact the market. This script overlays key upcoming events directly onto your chart, providing real-time visibility of scheduled economic releases and announcements.

  • Economic Event Overlay: Visualize important economic events right on your chart, such as GDP announcements, jobs reports, and interest rate decisions.
    All-Day Event Support: Highlight full-day events like public holidays or major economic updates, ensuring you never miss market-moving events.
    Customizable Event Lines: Choose from solid, dashed, or dotted lines to mark events on your chart and differentiate between their importance.
    Event Titles: Display the names of the events at the exact timestamps, making it easier to identify and plan trades around them.
    Adjustable Colors: Customize background, text, and border colors to fit your chart's style and make the events more visible.
    Real-Time Updates: Automatically update the display as the market moves closer to event times, providing constant awareness of the market's potential turning points.
  • Day Bounds for All-Day Events: Clearly marks the start and end of all-day events for better tracking and visualization.

How to Use:
  • Enable the indicator by turning on the "Enable" option in the settings.
    Input event data in the following format: year/month/day/hour/minute:EVENT_NAME;etc.
    Example: 2024/09/26/08/30:Durable Goods Orders;2024/09/26/08/30:GDP
    Customize the display with colors and line styles to match your preference.
    Monitor the chart for upcoming events and adjust your trading strategies accordingly.

BT Assistant is a must-have tool for traders who rely on economic data to make informed decisions. Stay updated, plan ahead, and never miss a market-moving event again.
Fundamental AnalysisPine utilities

Geschütztes Skript

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