Well, as I just posted a major update to my Ultimate Moving Average I can pretty much just copy and paste all those changes here (though there are other changes, because it does do different things) since this indicator is the companion piece to it. Perhaps I should make a UMA Width just to complete the trifecta of John Bollinger style indicators.
Like I stated above, this is a pretty huge update. Hopefully doesn't annoy anyone already using it because I changed a lot.
- updated to pine v6 (of course)
- added a bunch of new moving averages from my moving averages library
- reduced the number of moving averages used to make the UMA from 9 to 5. This was necessary for the next change, as well I thought nine was a bit excessive, and a reduction in number would still produce the same effect
- turned the indicator into a make your own UMA by making all the periods, lengths, lookbacks, whatever you like to call them, user adjustable. It's kind of like a sandbox now, so play around and make something that works with your system, though I think the default settings for an Exponential UMA or quite excellent.
- added a Keltner Channel to the previously provided Bollinger Bands that were on the original indicator (this is the UMA, however, obviously, for the %UMA you want to make sure you have the correctly selected band/channel otherwise they won't work together)
- optimized the code a bunch, reducing lines of code by around 150
- in an attempt to clean up the user interface, which; between all the moving average options, signal line options, crosses, bands, bar color, and divergences; was quite cluttered, I removed color.gradient color options. When using color.gradient colors, due to the way pinescript processes these, if the user wishes to be able to change them, color inputs must be created not just for them, but for every other part of the indicator that the user might want to change the color of, because the color swatches are removed from the 'style' tab (this is why the inputs were there in the first place.) At any rate, I wished to get rid of them, and after much deliberating I did so. What does this mean? It means the indicator might be slightly less pretty. If you were a user who liked the color gradient color options, well, sorry. The indicator and your bar color, if you use it, will be slightly less pretty. :/
- added the same multi-timeframe color option as the UMA has had, and I'll be doing this to everything else I update. Basically you can set the indicator color to react to what the higher timeframe indicator is doing. What this means is in a tooltip in the user interface.
- added Bollinger bands to one of the bands options around the %UMA (in addition to the Donchian Channel, which was already there)
- updated the divergences portion of the indicator to TradingView's updated version. I don't know if that brings any improvements, but it seemed a sensible thing to do.
I think that's everything. Hopefully you all find this a very nice improvement. Hit me up or leave a comment if you have a question, as always.