All available Volume Profile Free MAX SLI versions are listed below:
ver 1.0: plot style columns implementation
ver 2.0: plot style histogram implementation
ver 3.0: plot style area implementation
ver 4.0: plot style line implementation
ver 5.0: all-in-one plot styles 1-4 implementation
ver 6.0: pinescript v4 line objects implementation
Differences between implementations:
1. style: ver 1-4: columns, histogram, area, and line respectively;
ver 5: any style;
ver 6: ps v4 line objects instead of plots;
2. internal buy/sell mode: ver 1-5: no
ver 6: yes
3. sli modes: ver 1-6: yes
4. min/max level: ver 1-3,5: manual control, auto not possible
ver 4,6: manual control, auto highest/lowest in range technically possible, but discarded
5. 100% base width/length: ver 1-5: fixed (plots);
ver 6: dynamic level length control (line objects)
6. hist_base: ver 1-3: hist_base (ugly redraw),
ver 5: depends on style used
ver 4,6: no hist_base (clean redraw)
7. level width/height: ver 1: fixed bar width, no density control (discrete equalizer), spacing instead of height control
ver 2: level density control (discrete, appears more solid due to overlapping), spacing instead of height control
ver 3: density control not needed (continuous seamless area), spacing instead of height control
ver 5: depends on style used
ver 4,6: density control not needed (continuous seamless line), line width/level height control (thickness) + log scale adjustment
8. level gaps/spacing: ver 1-3: no gaps, spacing control to eliminate gaps;
ver 5: depends on style used
ver 4,6: gaps, vertical shift, line width/level height control (thickness) + log scale adjustment to eliminate gaps, no spacing control
9. transparency: ver 1,3,4,6: good;
ver 2: mediocre transparency (density is in the way)
ver 5: depends on style used
10. cover: ver 1-5: plot side cover, nva zone cover;
ver 6: covers not needed, transparency is applied directly to line objects
Changes in ver 2.0:
- histogram implementation
- floor replaced with round for more accurate len calculation
- cover style set to area (continuous cover), cover width, cover_ext_height removed as not needed
- added level width/density
- added cover ext_length to compensate for large length/density
- added cover offset relative to zero
- fixed flipped levels offset relative to zero
- fixed end of range offset for all history
- fixed nva zone cover transparency