Oslo Stock ExchangeOslo Stock Exchange

Shelf Drilling Primary Insider Notification



Dubai, November 21, 2024: Reference is made to the announcement by ShelfDrilling, Ltd. ("Shelf Drilling" or the "Company", OSE: SHLF) on November 15,2024, regarding the issuance of a total of 155,771 new common shares in theCompany without any consideration, as settlement of restricted stock units("RSUs") under the Company's 2017 Long-Term Incentive Plan pursuant to whichcertain primary insiders received common shares in the Company.

In order to cover taxes payable upon delivery of the common shares, a primaryinsider has sold common shares in the market as further specified in theattached form of notification.

About Shelf DrillingShelf Drilling is a leading international shallow water offshore drillingcontractor with rig operations across Middle East, Southeast Asia, India, WestAfrica, Mediterranean and North Sea. Shelf Drilling was founded in 2012 andhasestablished itself as a leader within its industry through its fit-for-purposestrategy and close working relationship with industry leading clients. TheCompany is incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands with corporateheadquarters in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Company is listed on the OsloStock Exchange under the ticker "SHLF".

Additional information about Shelf Drilling can be found atwww.shelfdrilling.com.Contact details

For questions or comments, please contact investor.relations@shelfdrilling.com

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in article 19 ofRegulation EU 596/2014 (the EU Market Abuse Regulation) and section 5-12 oftheNorwegian Securities Trading Act.


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