
Oasis Network to Hold AMA on X on April 2nd


Oasis Network will host an AMA on X on how NFTs can revolutionize Web3 gaming experiences, with a particular focus on user privacy on April 2 at 17:00 UTC.

Refer to the official tweet by ROSE:

Oasis Network

NFTs can change Web3 gaming experiences, enhancing user privacy and much more 🕹️

Join Oasis' @willfullhodl on April 2, 6pm CET, as he hosts guests from @PixelRealmlabs and @polychainmon — with more to be announced later!

Set your reminder here 👇

Mrz 26, 2024


Oasis Network is a first-layer, scalable blockchain network with a focus on privacy and proof of stake. Through confidential computing, users can control and protect their data even when it's being utilized in various applications and services.

The Oasis Network has the capacity to process a large number of transactions simultaneously due to its structure of subordinate parallel blockchains, also known as "shards." Instead of processing all transactions on a single main blockchain (which is a common practice for many blockchain networks and causes speed and scalability issues), Oasis Network distributes transactions across different subordinate blockchains that can process transactions in parallel.

The ROSE token serves as the governance token in the Oasis Network. The token is used for participating in voting on decisions related to network development and can also be staked to get rewards.