Always wanted a TESLA. Scaling in now

Buy Low, Sell high isnt it ?

Great product
Great community

Thats all that matters at this stage.

I am preparing to scale in now. Creating long term holding position. I'll be buyng all the way down to $120.
See how that goes. I might trade this allong the way, but main goal will be accumulation...

I still believe economic crisis is around the corner too... thus I should be cautious with position size...
Maybe I'll add short position allong the way down... I dunno yet.
(Moved more into crypto again lately anyways)
Trade ist aktiv
Picked up a bag already. Its going up now, but I will start scaling in shorts in the orange zone. The final idea is to accumulate all the way down to 120 on long term. Short all the bounces above the green buyzone in the meantime.
In orange zone now. Entering small short because I said I would.... look to short most on target. My position is rather small. No need to do things gently here...
Taking first profits from this short position now..
Better screenshot where you can see it touched my entryprice entirely
Or not lol. Fuck to those P&L labels. just verify it urself
Beyond Technical Analysiselectric
