DIS-Q3 Earnings Report after Market Close on Aug 4

Von Will_Wong
The ED has kissed both the upper and lower trend line 3 times. Using the Rule of 4, the next time could see DIS busting the trend line. Using a FB retracement of 1.618, the ED target could be $127.38.

DIS is facing challenges in its ESPN sports network. However it's movies are doing great with DIS having reached 22B in record time with Marvel hits Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, and The Ant-Man, Pixar's Inside Out, and Cinderella should easily offset the Tomorrowland dud and a very impressive slate of movie offerings for Q4 and beyond.

The Theme parks are doing fantastic with Shanghai Disney opening in 2016.
I was wrong with this one. ESPN's woes were too tough to overcome for the next two years

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