Make it simple🔥

Von Berzerk_invest
Don't make your trading hard

  • Backtesting
    Significance of backtesting is very high. You have to test your strategy on previous data every time to see your probable winning percentage in future.

  • Work-life balance
    If you spend all 24/7 of your time for trading after a couple of stressful situations you won't be able to recover. Your hobby and family is your safety bag.

  • Be realistic
    If you understand that your trade is going in the wrong direction and most likely will not go. You must accept the loss and liquidate the position

  • Always have plan
    Before entering a trade, you must think about when and where you will have to exit a trade, regardless of whether it will be profitable or unprofitable.

  • Never stop learning
    The market does not stand still and is always progressing. You should also do the same, because the market may change and your strategy will no longer be relevant for the current market.

* Believing indicators
Indicators are only statistical data obtained on the basis of the previous price movement. They can only guess, so don't trust them all of your capital.

* No trading plan
Without a ready-made trading plan, you leave your capital to chance. You will never be confident in your actions in the market. The market does not spare such people. Don't be this kind of trader.

* Over-leverage
Everything is clear without words. The larger the lot, the greater the risk. Ask yourself if you are ready for this.

* Being too emotional
Emotion is the last thing you can rely on in the market. As emotions grow, the risk of not surviving the usual drawdown grows and you can only worsen the situation by closing a trade that could work.

* Overconfidence
You should rely on your strategy, but do not be blind in the market and understand that the trade may not work and this is just a game of statistics. Always be clear about your risks

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