

Von Moorsc0de
An unfortunate, but not so surprising rejection of the Butterfly pattern which help hopes of higher prices.. but an early reset looks to take BTC back down to 9k. From 9k we should begin to re-calibrate long term moves. I had initially thought a bullish crab was forming, but we have had a basic rejection of 3 bullish patterns which is never a good sign, but lets see what 9k support does.
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BTC hit 9k as expected.. and it appears there could be a small increase to 9650 before we may see some slight downward action. It after this.. where we approach pre- July 4th that things will get a bit more spicy. Long term I am still bullish, but we have some time before things either ramp up or surprise us to the downside. Ill update as the Holiday approaches- unless we get something strange developing before then.
Moorsc0de aka Crypt0nomics aka Zaphkiel

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