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Symbol mapping

Symbol mapping is the matching between the broker's and TradingView symbols. It helps both brokers and TradingView operate with symbols in a convenient way and avoid symbol mismatching.

When to implement

The mapping is required when you use TradingView data that is available from a third-party source. If you plan to use only your symbols, you don't need to implement mapping. However, if you decide to use both TradingView and your own data, you must implement mapping for all symbols, including yours.

How to implement

To implement symbol mapping, use the /mapping endpoint. Note that /mapping must be accessible at any time without authorization.

The endpoint must return an object in the following format:

"symbols": [
"f": ["EURUSD"],
"f": ["AAPLE"],
"fields": ["brokerSymbol"]

Here, symbols is an array of objects that contain two required properties:

  • f is a broker symbol name. Note that the f value must always consist of an array with only one string element.
  • s is a TradingView symbol name with a prefix. Refer to the broker-symbols.json file to find the TradingView symbols corresponding to the broker ones.

The fields property should always contain an array with the only one element that has the brokerSymbol value.

How to match symbols

To match symbols properly, refer to the broker-symbols.json file which contains a list of symbols available on TradingView. This file is updated daily.


The broker-symbols.json file is available upon request. Ask the TradingView team to get access to it.

In the file, each symbol has its own meta-data such as full name and description. The symbol-fullname property contains the full symbol name with a prefix. As response to a request, use the symbol-fullname value in the symbols.s property as the TradingView symbol name.

How often requests are made

During development, you can implement partial mapping, not for all supported instruments. If you want TradingView manually request /mapping, contact the TradingView team.

During the final testing, TradingView automatically triggers /mapping every day. Note that /mapping must be accessible at any time without authorization.

How to test the endpoint

Use the trading integration tests to check the accuracy of symbol mapping. The test verifies that:

  • /mapping contains existing TradingView symbols.
  • /instruments contains only those broker symbols for which mapping is implemented.