Daily MA Crossover Signals

I created a script that allows you to show up to 3 daily MA's and the crossovers. It's highly configurable. Hope you enjoy it!

I did try to make it multi-timeframe, but for some reason I didn't manage to get that work
I created a script that allows you to add 4 daily MA's (EMA or SMA). For each group you can show the crossover, using different colors and symbols. You have the option to show the MA as well, but this can be turned off as well.
The placement of the symbols is above or below the slow MA and the offset can be determined per group.
I created a script that allows you to show up to 3 daily MA's and the crossovers. It's highly configurable. Hope you enjoy it! I did try to make it multi-timeframe, but for some reason I didn't manage to get that work
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)ema-crossovermoving_averageMoving AveragesmovingaveragecrossoverSimple Moving Average (SMA)smacrossover

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