
Magic Numbers!

Von Fractal777
Only a few weeks ago, the banking system began to meltdown, contagion threatened as multiple banks imploded. The amazing Fed splashed their cash in excess of obligations and bailed out depositors. Make no mistake, the banking system was breaking and the Fed acted to halt systemic risks.
Panic averted, calm restored and nothing to see here?
Along comes the lower engineered inflation number, the Fed with their magic numbers, restores confidence in the banking scheme. This is pure smoke and mirrors, add in deception and manipulation...trouble is that precious metals do not buy the reckless Powell's BS.

Where from here has muddied the past few weeks, some call for a melt up..that scenario is gaining more traction courtesy of the Fed. We have long called for a Fed collapse, a hyper inflationary destruction that evaporates the Fed balance sheet of hell.
Our short stance is being tested, if these wreckers halt or reverse rates, the markets will soar, gold and silver will explode. The markets will digest the credibility of Powell in a flash, like Yellen prior...utter failures.
A controlled demolition is occurring, once the masses understand the shenanigans, a flight to safety begins proper.

Precious metals despite their recent rallies, are way undervalued, especially silver.
Keep buying this true form of money, silver is at least 10 times discounted to out of the ground ratio. We have a gold target next of $2900 and a silver price next up of over 50..these are only the next stopping points!
Gold has closed above the 2000, we firmly believe 1940ish is solid support.
Whoever puts their hard earned cash into PM's will reap a bounty like nothing before....a mega bull run!

A red doji candle close on the Dow indicates a turn down this week, the corrective rally may well have concluded.

Appreciate a thumbs up, Good Trading & God Bless!

Trend Analysis
