
A Battle Of Wits & Soul

Von Fractal777
Our idea last week turned neutral in sentiment, the first time in many months. The upward sloping trend line found support, a big move in mainly short covering commenced with the phoney payroll number.
Stock still sit where we were in November, a giant sideways move that gyrates the bulls and bears into losses. Our small short stance is key to money management and minimum exposure to this battle of psychology.

We expect the upper trend line to be touched and possibly a throw over move to finalise into later this month. It seems never ending, the wait will be worth it...a mega chance to take advantage of a superb short entry price coming.

Make no mistake, this IS a multi century top and turn, this is a controlled demolition of society, I have no doubt about it, a take-down of humanity’s hard, multi-century-earned prosperity in order for our parasitical overlords to ‘build back better’ in their name, alone.
15 minute cities are springing up all over the world, promoted as the saviour to "man-made climate change" a push to force citizens to accept life without travelling more than 15 minutes walking distance and everything you need is within the catchment. Instead of building more facilities like schools and hospitals or parks to enjoy, this WEF push is designed with barricades and surveillance to monitor, control and track all your movements, any breaches are met with penalties or fines...welcome to the NEW World Order 2030.
Fear over our ever changing climate is the driver to convince the sheeple to buy electric vehicles, eat less meat or fake plant meat, jack up power prices to insane amounts. No need for police in the future, the electric car will dob you in automatically and can be disabled remotely.

Things are coming to a head –one way or another – as real-world observations continue to 1) upend the official messaging, and 2) awaken more and more folk to the wild discrepancies (lies) at play.

They know that most people will settle for what they are told via a TV, unquestioning husks dumbed down with their food, drinks and programming...a fake pandemic that has now clearly shown to have caused way more harm with lockdowns and unsafe jabs...all by design and a stealth operation planned many decades ago.

They wish this world for themselves, but God is the master.

As Mark Twain quoted: It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Don't be part of this Satanic system being rolled out, get good with God.

In summary, expect some more rally this month, nothing but a flurry to fool the most, then keep your powder dry and prepare for one of these rare times to yield a big one.

Appreciate a thumbs up...Good Trading & God Bless you all!

Shorting now at 33913 is low risk.
The Fed pause had the opposite effect, disappointment.
They are not done with rises until this market and economy is toast.
The throw over move we predicted has turned down now.
Updated idea this coming Sunday!
Trend Analysis
