The S&P 500 Panic Low Fibonacci Sequence Since 1877

Disclaimer: These dates assume a timestamp of March 7, 2022, which means that this sequence only holds if there is a panic selloff between now and March 20th, 2022. In other words, the number of years back is calculated using tomorrow as a starting point and working backward towards these historic lows. If there is no selloff, then the timestamp used is arbitrary and offers no predictive value.

Still, this is still incredible regardless of the predictive value because the time elapsed between dates is obviously fixed, which means that there will be a continuation of the panic-sell pattern that aligns accordingly.

I mean, the dates from October 1987 and beyond are really remarkable. Not only does the infamous Depression Low of July 8th, 1932 date back 89.72 years from tomorrow, but the super-all-time-low of 2.73 SPX points from June 1877 clocks in at 144.88 years back!

I am no Fibonacci trader and only use the sequence for general support and resistance on the weekly and higher, but now I might be.

Lastly, there are clearly other points in time that represent the act of panic selling - perhaps even better than those closer towards the starting point. While this is just a hunch, I would imagine that these are also linked in a similar way using either a different timestamp forward or an entirely different numerical series (like the Lucas series) altogether.

Knock yourself out if you want to solve that puzzle and do post it in the comments section when you do.

-Leonardo Pigonacci

Economic CyclesFibonacciS&P 500 (SPX500)

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