19. Mrz. 2021 23:30

SPX (1D) 2007 VS 2021 

S&P 500SP


07/08 VS 21, looks pretty much indentical, and if there is something about charts it is that they almost always repeat themselves over and over again, we've seen it numerous times, and its how i myself even trade on a daily basis. Now you may be wondering why? Well let me tell you, chart patterns work by representing the market's supply and demand. This causes the trend to move in a certain way on a chart and forms a pattern. Another factor that helps with building patterns is algorithems, many of them are built to trade of patterns (less complex ones) thus selling and buying on price action creating patterns.

But always have in consideration that news is almost always the biggest factor for patterns not moving as planned. That being said, dont go full on bearish bcs of a pattern, I recommend doing fundamental analysis, techincal analysis & macro, a pattern may never always be spot on and alot of the times scare people out just before it melts up or down.

Very good job
very well done and explained🌹
was looking at both charts side by side and then I found your analysis. Spot on!
nice catch, the rally to breakdown point under tl textbook John Murphy Fig 4-10a, free pdf for ur followers: books 029/John J Murphy - Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets.pdf
@DaddySawbucks, Thanks for the link
This is as scary as it can get. keep it up.

wish you all the best.
@samitrading, Appreciate it Sami!
@Oerhortbegovad, Your most welcome bud.

wish you all the best.
Interesting. What you're plotting today echoes the 2007-2008 transition away from business-friendly U.S. fiscal policy (reversed in 2016). If that's true we may get one more bump but then significant contraction for a couple years. Of course in 2008 the national debt was less than half the 22T today, so #inflation ... Be well, db
If I had a DOGE for every call for a market crash I'd be able to retire.