SBUX Bull Within Bull Discount Valuation Play

SBUX has seriously been lagging the end of 2019 rip across major market indexes that saw AAPL rip bear's faces clean off & blow right through a $1 Trillion valuation by over 25% in just a few months can you say insane...The farther Mega caps like AAPL & MSFT push higher the more of a discount there is in a global discretionary like SBUX.

We have a very clear bull flag formed on lower resolutions that should price clear through the bull trigger we should see it push rapidly toward the downtrend angle then shockwave B4 we see it have a real chance to play catch up on the broader market & move toward Target 1. Once there we should see price stall in another shockwave before gathering more steam for a follow through push higher to target 2 where another stall & shockwave is likely.
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