2. Apr. 2023 21:42

USA is in serious trouble 


China , India, Russia, Iran , Saudi Arabia and Brazil made an agreement contract to ditch U.S. dollar; the United States are in serious trouble..
If other country are joining with them then it will be the End of United States and Biden needs to do something about it and how US will react to it and it won’t end well. More banks are collapsing and more rumors said that US are running out of money.

Will the USA will declare war against China ?
World War 3 is getting closer. China and Russia became the most dangerous alliance.
US said if china doesn't buy US debt-> war. US is printing another 20trillion green papers. who can believe the value of dollar?
every country is dumping dollar, and large outflow of us bank asserts out of the US. do you think the war is closer?
it would be seen a black friday now!
@golddan you need to watch the news more often ; just saying. Plus of course another world war is closer than we think