6. Okt. 2014 11:29

HPQ set up for diagonal grids (disjoint tool, fib channels) 



HPQ There are some diagonal grids for HPQ if you are interested. The pink down angle is part of a disjoint tool angle anchored off the 2 red ellipse points. the pink (purplish because it's overlaid on top of other angles) is the reflected angle in disjoint position (centers not lined up over each other). The fib channel is then laid over the disjoint down angle and spread apart until other points line up (down angles). The same process is done for the disjoint up angle and the fib channel laid over it. I use a calculator and the inputs in format to make the distance between lines the same up as down. The up and down angles at this SCALING are both 14 degrees. I have other charts in publlished that experiment with this idea. There are more objects in the objects tree. I made 2 scale settings. One for this (vertical purple arrow) and one for the fib speed arcs (in the objects tree. I used the "apost" equation in ideas (for my TI-85) to calculate the vertical distance between parallels. This is precisely set up and calculated from the format inputs.
Interesting, this very much looks like a Gann grid. Do you use roadmap charts at all?
No, This is not any attempt to emulate Gann. It's not a roadmap chart. The angles up and down in the grid are equal. The vertical spacings between parallels are also equal, UP and DOWN. I try for precise anchor points. I don't use a 45 degree angle as a support or resistance angle...or any other angle for that matter. All my calculations are to land on specific lines or intersections of lines. My AU chart on RA's and diagonals shows that.
I do believe the market is rigged...and I do believe they do calculate points with squares, square roots, vectors, angles, etc. I just don't know exactly how they set it up. It may be related to polar graphing...angles and radius distances on the arc (and their related arc ratios).
The most important thing that I have found is SCALE is absolutely essential...which roadmaps also do. i use scaling for setting up right angles and Arcs. This chart is only diagonal grids...not RIGHT (perpendicular) diagonals.
Interesting, I do think the market can be rigged, and in fact is on many instruments...starting from the top of the food chain down (hi FED). :)

Would be cool to read some more on your approach.
