1. Okt. 2018 20:45

highly speculative, high risk high reward gamble/trade son Long


Eboost goes on explosive rallies. Every time the crypto market sees a bounce it returns nothing less than 1,000% ROI.

Volume is crazy low, the book is thin. I do not recommend taking a large position, but if you consider that in 2017 it rallied to 26,000%, its kinda risky not to own $100 worth in case that happens again. risk is relative to a crazy motherfucker like you.

that is $260 for every $1 of EBST you purchased prior to the rally.... bruh.

bitcoin dominance is dropping and shitcoins are popping like landmines. fill a small bag and set yourself some ballsy sell orders.


someone once said buy what no one wants, and in crypto I can't think of much better advice, risk><Reward.
I purchased it at 1225 and now it is going down. Pls suggest sir. Shall I hold it or sell it. Kindly help
@zafartauqeer, stilll looking bullish to me..dont sell yet, unless the uptrend breaks downward.
@zafartauqeer, if we go below 750 i would consider selling. but im holding for the moment.

a piece of constructive criticism: do not buy large vertical green candles. 9 times out of 10 you are buying at the top.

bitcoin is at a major decision point and its moves in the coming hours will have an effect on the alt market.

some resilient shitcoins like ebst could keep going up either way though. time will tell.